Muffin alle verdure - Valle del Crati

Who said that muffins are only sweet? These vegetable muffins are perfect for an appetiser and are a nice way to get children to eat vegetables!

You can choose the vegetables you like, we chose peas, courgettes and dried tomatoes; then we added a few cubes of provolone cheese to create a delicious stringy heart! 

Here is the recipe for 12 muffins

- 150 g mixed vegetables to taste (we chose peas and courgettes)

- 50 g dried tomatoes in oil

- 50 g diced provola cheese

- 180 g 00 flour

- 100 ml milk

- 100 ml evo oil

- 3 eggs

- 100 g grated Parmesan cheese

- salt and pepper to taste

- 1 sachet of yeast for savoury pies 


First prepare the vegetables: cut the courgettes into cubes and sauté them in a pan with a little oil and the peas, season with salt and set aside to cool.

Drain the dried tomatoes well and cut them into small pieces.

In a bowl, beat the eggs with the milk and oil, add a pinch of salt and pepper and, a little at a time, the flour sifted with the baking powder. Add the cooled vegetables and the chopped dried tomatoes and stir with a spatula to mix well.

Prepare muffin tins with butter and flour, pour a generous spoonful of the mixture and place a couple of provola cheese cubes in the centre. Now cover with another spoonful of mixture. Proceed in this way for all the ramekins. Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for about 25 minutes, checking the baking time with a toothpick.

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